Christmas Angel Workshop at An Carn, Maghera

Oh boy did the weather challenge our journey! Had to re route on a few occasions as the roads were badly flooded! But Urney Creations were not to be deterred..the show must go ahead!! And so it did.

We had a very enthusiastic group of ladies….some not so confident to begin with but by the end of the day they all were amazed and truly thrilled with their creative talents. Congratulations to you all…so proud of you.

Many thanks to Pat for spreading the word on ‘Paverpolling’ and encouraging her friends to come along and learn a new skill. The smiles at the end spoke volumes as they all stood proudly behind their sculptures for a final group photo. Hope to see you  again in 2016 for another Urney Creation Experience! In the meantime Happy Christmas to each and everyone of you!

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