Rural, Island & Dispensing Doctors 30th Annual Conference at Mulranny Park Hotel.

They came into the room  rather unsure as  what to expect. After all, these ladies were on a ‘Break’ and simply were looking for relaxation and ‘Chillax Time!’ But once the  formalities and introductions were covered…..they were all  put to task!

The craic was flowing, they all soon relaxed and the creativity shone through. By the end of the session everyone was in awe with their creations. They couldn’t believe what they made out of their t-shirt!!

So proud of you all….but sure as I did say on the day ‘Haven’t ye got a great teacher!!’

Until we meet again……..Slainte!

Urney Creations sends a Special Thanks to Teresa Cowely for the invitation. Hopefully we will see you all again in the near future.

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