2nd July 2011
It was a sunny Saturday morning so Laura [my assistant] and I headed off on the road to Mullaghduff. We passed through breathtaking scenery – Glenveagh, Poison Glen, Mt. Errigal, etc. It was hard to believe that we were heading out on a ‘Day’s Work’!
Soon we landed in Mullaghduff – with the friendly escort from Annagry by Liz – the lady who organized the event for all her creative buddies!
Pat met us at the hall and assisted in the setup – a great support!
Soon the hall filled with chatter and great buzz. Finally all were seated [all 16 participants] and the action began.
There was great energy, enthusiasm, fun and laughter.
Hesitantly we breaked for lunch and sat outside amongst the heather and smell of turf – bliss!
FINALLY, our day was to come to an end. Everyone gathered to display their creations – all unique and individual. All were amazed to find that they had created a finished sculpture in just one day and out of a ‘t-shirt’!!
Before leaving , another workshop class was set and filled to capacity….
Looking forward to another workshop on Friday 26th August – See you all again soon guys!!