Last Workshop of 2015!

Yet again the weather creates havoc for everyone. This workshop had 10 participants enrolled….so off I went to create the festive atmosphere with….mince pies, some schloer [all drivers], after eights, some scones and pastries, etc. But one phone call after the other soon dwindled numbers down. I was devastated!

As the venue was booked and there was plenty of space for work to be done I decided to get stuck into my commissions for Christmas. But lo and behold the stragglers began to appear….even all the way from Dublin…good on ya Marie!! Let creativity begin….

We had a great day in the end…..such energy and passion for their bespoke pieces. I was amazed.

Well done to you all! Here’s to a very creative 2016….see you all in the New Year!

And no,  we were not smoking cigars and drinking wine….After Eight Sticks and Schloer is so much better!

Happy Christmas one and all!

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